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  • nkavjs
    11-15 10:00 AM
    I am very keen to try and get a state chapter from Indiana. There have to be at least half a dozen of us.

    There are millions of Starbucks in the area, maybe we can monopolize a corner in one of them some time.

    From what I have read here then most of the replies are in the Indianapolis and northern suburbs, so I am proposing that we meet this Saturday at the Starbucks in Westfield!

    By this location I mean where Ashleys furniture is on US 31 and 146th Street.

    I can make it any time on Saturday but we have to set on a time, I am suggesting 11am.

    Hello Folks :

    I am in Indy (basically in fishers). Stuck in this process since 2003. I am all for active participation with this IV Indiana forum. Pls. let me know.

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  • beautifulMind
    07-17 11:14 AM
    You are in same situation as me as long your job duties for the new position are 50% different from old position you should be ok

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  • chanduv23
    09-15 12:04 PM
    I would say:

    Merge all these threads into one - at least 3 or 4 people can take charge over the thread - the first few posts can be updates and tracking info and finalization of drafts and plans

    Please encourage ONLY members who are committed, they can be ones who have posted real profile and who have joined state chapters - usually state chapter members are verified members.

    It would be great if someone from IV core can also guide on such efforts

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  • snathan
    05-23 06:14 PM

    Today I have got the template from Ron and he has written this for atlanta. I also posted question to him for adding the case number. I am bit concerned what kind of impact would be there if we give case number. Apart from that everything looks good. Feel free to add any comment or suggesstion.

    I am not sure about chicago as the number is very small, feel free to add any suggession or you can directly talk to Ron Gotcher. if you are like around 10-20 guys, you may hire him and ask him to represent. I dont feel comfortable to ask him more help as he is not accepting any fee or just let me know if you how to approach/your thoughts.

    ================================================== =====================================

    Gordon S. Heddell
    Inspector General
    United States Department of Labor
    Office of Inspector General
    200 Constitution Avenue, NW
    Room S-5502
    Washington, DC 20210

    RE: Complaint of Malfeasance in the Atlanta Foreign Labor Certification Office

    Dear Sir:

    We, the undersigned, are victims of persistent malfeasance existing in the Atlanta, Georgia office of the Department of Labor�s Foreign Labor Certification Program. All of the undersigned are the beneficiaries of foreign labor certification applications filed with that office. We have seen similar applications filed by others, substantially after our applications were filed, processed to completion. We have made inquiries into the reasons for the delays in our cases but we have not received any answers, much less explanations.

    It is our understanding that the Atlanta office is no processing cases on a first in, first out basis. Rather, they are selecting cases almost at random for processing. This is unfair and unreasonable. Later filed applications are being given preferential processing over earlier filed cases.

    We ask that your office open an investigation into the reasons for this policy. If you find improper conduct, we ask that you recommend appropriate disciple for those responsible. If you do not find improper conduct, we ask that you require the Atlanta office to provide a detailed explanation for their behavior and, on a go forward basis, provide for transparency in their selection process. Whatever the reason for their existing procedures, there is a clear air of impropriety in what they are doing.

    We look forward to your reply.

    With regards,

    [for each person who signs on, they need to give their name, their employer�s name, their case number, and their filing date.]

    ================================================== ======================================
    For Admin:

    Can you please keep this post in the top for sometime, so we can get attension/suuport from more people.

    Guys, people contribute/support to IV's fund drive if you didnt do already. If you gain something from IV please consider to give back something. I believe we can clear and come out this mess with our collective effort. Thanks a lot for all of your support


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  • belmontboy
    11-18 06:20 PM
    It�s been long since I got head ache..but today I had every reason to get.

    I tried taking an appointment for h1B for December. Here is my experience�

    1. After entering the receipt details it took me to available dates calendar. In this screen there was no option to pick an specific date for appointment. This screen was same as the screen we get when we check for available date without entering receipt number.
    2. I pressed �Continue� and it later took me to DS156.
    3. Filled the form and it took me to screen which displayed my name against a check box with 3 option. The screen says..�select the form to edit/complete..� 3 options I can see are DS156,DS157 and petition details. No matter how many times I edit the information I can�t get the choice to pick the appointment date. Basically I have filled up the form without knowing the appointment date.
    4. If I try to download the appointment letter it says..�You cannot download until you specify courier address��.

    Has anyone experience similar problem�?? Any work around�.??

    Any help is greatly appreciated�thanks in advance�

    You have to submit.
    Once you submit, you will be able to choose dates.

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  • vjkypally
    08-07 11:55 AM
    Can we remove this now tht we have had our laughs:) this way we know when the real one comes out:)))


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  • LostInGCProcess
    02-28 02:10 PM
    Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance policy for the state of TN? What are the things that are important and what should be ignored? Most of the time I dont understand the technical terms used in it.
    Currently I have one from a big health insurance company bought on the internet. I thought I was covered well. Every year they are raising the premium by about $30.00/month. I want to get another one, if anyone has bought from the open market please let me know.


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  • Alabaman
    06-16 09:19 AM
    I agree. I have been doing this for a while (sending emails to CNN and Fox News) but with no impact... but with many hands on board I think we would get a better chance.


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  • Refugee_New
    08-02 12:47 PM
    I'm surprised u got a 2 yr extn despite the fact that ur case is current. When did u file and which date was it approved?

    i e-filed my ead on the last week of june. sent documents during the first week of july. July 17th, went for FP. Got the approval two days back

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  • EADchallenged
    07-12 09:03 AM
    I agree with the previous post that most of the House conservatives are right now trying to fight the bigger evil in their eyes - illegal immigration. Yesterday, on Cavuto on Business (Fox News), Tom Tancredo was waxing eloquent on the fact that he favors legal immigration, how he was the grandson of Italian immigrants blah blah blah. But remember, it was these very people who had forced the EB provisions out from S.1932. However, if Tancredo has to make any impact on American politics and be a serious player, he has to take these tactical positions favoring legal immigration when the talk everywhere is illegal immigration.

    So what to take out of this? We should try and pin a lot of these "anti-immigrant" people down on their position on SKIL while they are trying to justify their position on illegal immigration, by saying they favor legal immigration. . I guess now is the time to act and get everyone to support SKIL, while they cannot appear to be inconsistent with their position on legal immigration.


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  • gogal
    01-03 10:42 AM
    Does it mean that the full case will be covered in 15 days or till the query is send if any... Hope i am being clear..
    What my concern is after the query is send and replied, still the 15 day limit stays or it loses that and goes back to the normal processing.


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  • thomachan72
    09-04 08:46 AM
    Last November I quit my job in the US and left the country as well. Two days ago, I received an email saying my 485 is approved, and card production was ordered. The card will go to an address in the US where someone can forward me the mail.
    What should I do? Try to enter the U.S. with the card? What to say to POE officials? WIll I be questioned?
    Did you leave the country on your own will or were you let go by the employer? Just curious. Hope things work out.


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  • waitingonlc
    02-13 03:50 PM
    Immigration plan looms in Congress
    By Michelle Mittelstadt
    The Dallas Morning News, February 12, 2006

    Washington -- As mid-term congressional elections draw closer, the window for action in Congress on a complex � and controversial � immigration package grows ever smaller.

    Mindful of that, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has told Senate leaders that they must deliver a bill to the floor by March 27, an ambitious deadline for legislation that has yet to be written in committee.

    A bigger hurdle looms: Reconciling sure-to-be competing visions from the House and Senate.

    'Immigration is one of the most controversial issues in American society,' said Stephen Yale-Loehr, who teaches immigration law at Cornell University. 'We all like individual immigrants who live near us and work with us, but we don't like illegal immigration as a whole. And trying to put together a package that will accommodate everyone's interest is very tough, indeed.'

    The topic is fraught with economic, national security, social, diplomatic and political implications.

    Each year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants enter the U.S. illegally, swelling a population now estimated to exceed 11 million. The Southwest border is in crisis in places, overrun by illegal immigration and drug traffickers. There is also the threat that the porous border could serve as a gateway for terrorists. And the legal immigration system is beset by backlogs, problems and rules that vex employers and keep millions of people awaiting approval for green cards to join relatives already here.

    The test for Congress is what to emphasize: enforcement, immigration liberalization or some combination of the two?

    Choosing a direction

    The House took the first crack at the question, passing a stringent enforcement-only bill that would fence more than a third of the 1,952-mile Southwest border, increase fines for employers who hire illegal immigrants, and make it a crime (instead of a civil penalty) to be in the country illegally. The legislation was silent on President Bush's call for a guest worker program that would grant visas for up to six years to millions of undocumented workers.

    The debate now shifts to the Senate, which appears inclined to marry enhanced border security with a temporary worker program.

    But the Senate's solution, particularly if it includes a pathway to legal permanent residence, is sure to set up a collision with the House, where national security hawks have dominated the debate.

    'The big question becomes: Is it even possible for the two houses to reconcile their bills,' said Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors reduced immigration. 'If it's not done by May, I can't see it getting done.'

    The divisions may be too pronounced for Congress to act this year, Mr. Yale-Loehr said.

    As the elections near, politicians will become increasingly skittish of taking up an issue that could anger Hispanic and conservative voters alike while also inflaming constituencies as diverse as big business and labor.

    In some ways, it's no surprise that politicians are lurching in radically different directions, with one faction pushing get-tough prescriptions such as ending automatic citizenship to those born here of illegal immigrant parents, while another camp presses to legalize illegal immigrants and permit a stream of newcomers.

    Public divided

    The public is deeply conflicted.

    Polls consistently show that Americans are troubled by illegal immigration and the federal government's failure to enforce the law. But those same polls also detect sympathy for illegal immigrants who work and pay taxes as they scrabble for a piece of the American dream.

    A new Time/SRBI poll offered one snapshot of the public's ambivalence. Though 63 percent of respondents described illegal immigration as a very serious or extremely serious problem and 57 percent endorsed taking 'whatever steps are necessary' to halt migrant crossings, 73 percent favored granting temporary work visas to illegal immigrants already here.

    So, how do policymakers thread the needle?

    'That's the $64 million question,' said Migration Policy Institute senior fellow Doris Meissner, who headed the Immigration and Naturalization Service during the Clinton administration.

    'We definitely have to do something, and sooner than later,' she said. 'But I think that it's really important that this issue and this debate develops and evolves, because if we were to go ahead and enact what's now been passed by the House, it would be a terrible disservice.'

    She, like others critical of the House's enforcement-only approach, contends that any immigration law rewrite must resolve the status of illegal immigrants and provide an outlet for future migrants drawn by jobs or the desire to be reunited with family.

    'Enforcement-only is not going to work,' said Angelo Amador, head of immigration policy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

    The chamber is loosely allied with immigrant-rights groups, religious organizations, labor unions and others who have rallied around a plan by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., that tandems some tougher enforcement with a guest worker plan that would provide a path to legal permanent residence.

    But supporters of the House approach say enforcement must be dealt with first, both at the border and within the country, and by implementing a mandatory employer verification system to check the legal status of would-be hires.

    'A guest worker program would be an absolute disaster with our current enforcement because, of course, it wouldn't be a guest worker program if we can't make them go home,' said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations for Numbers USA, a group seeking reduced immigration.

    Pollster Sergio Bendixen said that the policy debate has been skewed by the 'echo chamber' of radio talk shows and cable TV programs that fixate on immigration's negatives rather than looking at the whole picture.

    'It has become an emotional issue with emotional buzzwords, and there's very little rationality in the debate,' Mr. Bendixen said. 'Unfortunately, we are close to making it impossible on people who have to get elected' to deal with the issue.

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  • insbaby
    04-08 11:28 PM
    The indian consulate needs a proof of address for me and my wife
    We sent them the Property tax bill and hoped that it would work but get this mail from travisa

    Proof Of Residence - Unacceptable
    The proof of address received in your application is not acceptable for submission to the Indian Consulate. You must submit a proof of residence/address that matches the present address on the PIO application exactly. Photocopy of state issued ID (Driver License or ID), or major utility bill (Water, Gas, Electric, Sewage) or a copy of a lease containing both the landlord and tenant signatures must be submitted. The following items are not accepted: cell phone bill, credit card statement or bank statement. The address cannot include a P.O. box. For minors, a parent or guardian proof of address from both parents may be submitted instead. You can fax the proof of address to Fax: (415) 644-0158. In addition, you also have the option of mailing a paper copy to the address below.

    Now why does not a property tax not work ? it is issues by the county.

    We do not have the current address on my wife's driver's license and her name is not there on the PGandE bill

    Any suggestion ? or anyone had a similar issue ?

    Thanks in advance !!

    Think about these...

    You sent property tax bill, so I guess you own a home! Send the copy of first page of the "Deed", notarized.

    1. Utility bill
    2. USCIS AP if any
    3. Phone bills (doubtful)

    Send at least 3 different types or all possible documents you have if they ask for 1.

    If nothing has her name, send yours + copy of your marriage certificate, notarized and explain the situation.


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  • glus
    11-06 03:47 PM
    glus, Since she now has an approved I140, she is eligible for a 3 year H1 extension, provided her PD is not current. She need not be continuously be on H1 to be eligible for applying H1 for the 7th year.

    Once you get the H1 paper, you would have to enter the US, so that the status changes from "Adjustee" to "admitted" i.e., H1 status...or, if the H-1B paper come with the I-94 stub, you need not travel out and get it.

    OK, thank you. Has anyone done this? Going from AOS to H-1B? I mean, getting into H1 status w/o leaving the U.S.?

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  • gonecrazyonh4
    06-14 06:33 PM
    I have been filling up I-485 all day . Online forms sent from attorney but no help with topics. I am confused by these

    Visa Number - is this a number that is stamped on your passport when u entered US? My visa in passport expired long time back. I have my WAC number- is that what is required to enter?

    Alien Number - is this the I-94 number?

    anywhere i can find a sample I-485 filled in ?

    Appreciate any help


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  • alien2006
    10-03 08:10 AM
    Thanks for your replies guys.

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  • gauravster
    05-01 10:30 AM
    WSJ is already pro skilled immigration and have had numerous articles on the same and keep having it all the time.

    We can write to them to give it more PR. But a lot of readers of WSJ are very anti and all the comments are littered by that stuff. As a result, not sure if someone who reads the comments as well finds the articles helpful.

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  • Appu
    11-15 11:32 AM
    Anyone in Nashville? What can I do from Nashville?

    08-14 11:20 PM
    Hi Gurus

    I have applied I-485 for me and my spouse. I did not apply for EAD as my H1B is valid until Nov 2009 and visa is stamped untill June 2008. My wife is also on H1B, stamping valid until April 2009. I heard that if I apply for EAD the immigration officer at port of entry might ask advance parol where as if I continue to use my H1B I can travel anytime without any problem
    here is the question - should I apply EAD & Advance parol before 17th to take advantage of old fees structure? or wait for the I -485 receipt or DO not apply untill my H1B is valid?

    thanks in advance

    04-30 12:11 PM
    According to the WSJ Article today (4/30/07):
    Eight (years) refers to the number of years designated to clear the backlog of pending applications for permanent residency documents, or "green cards," from persons abroad or living here with a legal work visa. ... the application backlog would be confined to people who applied before May 2005, when major immigration legislation was introduced in the Senate in the last Congress


    I am on EB3 RW with PD of Feb 06. Does this mean even after CIR + SKIL passes and gets enacted, causing PDs to move forward significantly or become current in some categories and allowing us to file 485 & EAD... we have to wait 8 more years in preadjucation/ FBI name check delays/ Service Center Application backlogs (current NSC backlogged to Sept 06 for EB based 485)?

    I am really freaked out. Can someone please shed some light on this.

    (I posted this in another forum, but it seems that was shutdown. It's also on News Articles thread - but since that's for news only I wasn't sure if my question would get answered there, so re-posting it. Admin(s), if you must delete this, atleast send me a PM with answer to me question if you know it. Thanks.)

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