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christina moore 90210

christina moore 90210. Christina Moore-Uritia leads
  • Christina Moore-Uritia leads

  • nomade
    Mar 11, 09:54 AM
    For those looking for the same solution here what I found:
    $sql_rotation=mysql_query('SELECT * FROM photo_atelier');
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    var timeDelay = 3; // change delay time in seconds
    var Pix = new Array
    echo "'".$array[1]."',";
    echo "'".$array[2]."',";
    echo "'".$array[3]."',";
    echo "'".$array[4]."',";
    echo "'".$array[5]."'";
    var howMany = Pix.length;
    timeDelay *= 1000;
    var PicCurrentNum = 0;
    var PicCurrent = new Image();
    PicCurrent.src = Pix[PicCurrentNum];
    function startPix() {
    setInterval("slideshow()", timeDelay);
    function slideshow() {
    if (PicCurrentNum == howMany) {
    PicCurrentNum = 0;
    PicCurrent.src = Pix[PicCurrentNum];
    document["ChangingPix"].src = PicCurrent.src;
    // End -->

    <body OnLoad="startPix()">
    <?php echo "<img name=ChangingPix src=".$array[1].">"; ?>

    to see the result go to http://zoomaventurephoto.com/fr/atelier.php:D

    christina moore 90210. Christina Moore-Urrutia
  • Christina Moore-Urrutia

  • mrapplegate
    May 1, 11:05 AM
    I've recently noticed- some iLife apps are not working. The biggest concern is iPhoto - I've opened up iPhoto '11 (iLife 11) but it says:
    Image (http://i51.tinypic.com/2zhlixz.png)
    However, and here's the catch - iDVD, iMovie, working. Just a couple apps are not working (I can't check every single one for compatibility). Is this a universal problem? How do I fix it? I have iLife '10 and '09 if that helps but I haven't checked if they work. Either way, I would like to use iLife '11 over either older versions... Thanks!
    So I'm not seeing a problem here. Are you saying when you click software update nothing happens? What exactly is the problem?
    I'm running 9.1.2 with no problems.

    christina moore 90210. 90210 picture gallery
  • 90210 picture gallery

  • eawmp1
    May 5, 07:19 AM
    I'd understand the dilemma between a MBP and an Air, but and Air and an iMac???? :confused:

    christina moore 90210. 90210 1x11
  • 90210 1x11

  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 6, 04:10 PM
    Inspired by your avatar?


    christina moore 90210. Christina Moore
  • Christina Moore

  • afireintonto
    Jul 10, 01:17 AM
    Looks-wise, the Apple Pro Mouse has to be one of the most beautiful ever made.
    Yes! I love the degisn of the pro mouse! So sexy sexy!
    I would kill for a Bluetooth pro mouse with the functionality of the magic mouse! Fudge, that is like a wet dream of mine lol!

    christina moore 90210. Jessica Lowndes on 90210
  • Jessica Lowndes on 90210

  • johnbro23
    Jan 24, 07:37 PM
    I've had some problems with my Linksys router. It works about 98% of the time. But that 1% really gets to you... its just stops working sometimes for no good reason. Its the only router I've used, so maybe its a problem with routers accross the board.


    christina moore 90210. -smith-christina-moore-
  • -smith-christina-moore-

  • haushinka
    Jun 21, 07:49 PM
    THinking about camping at the Emeryville one?

    well not camping, but maybe 7am... still considering... not sure if it's worth the gamble.. any you guys actually camping?

    christina moore 90210. Actress Christina Moore opted
  • Actress Christina Moore opted

  • Naimfan
    Mar 1, 02:10 PM
    President Obama�s decision to no longer defend the so-called �Defense of Marriage Act� in court is the courageous and correct one. DOMA was a disaster and a huge step backwards from the instant it was signed into law. President Obama�s decision gives me hope that we as a nation can address the far more significant challenges and problems we face. We can only hope that his decision spells the beginning of the end of DOMA, and that it is a signpost of the continuing progress we as a nation have made in tolerating, and indeed, celebrating those people who are different from us in whatever form.

    For me the question of same-sex marriage boils down to this: Love is hard enough to find. If two men or two women find love together, and want to publicly declare and celebrate it, who are we to tell them they cannot? If anyone can think of a dumber reason to discriminate against someone, please let me know. Just as I would not want anyone else to have a veto power over who I might choose to marry, I do not, and should not, have veto power over who someone else might choose to marry. Nor should the government.

    That said, if a particular religious denomination chooses not to perform same-sex marriages, that may be their right. The government, however, has no such discretion, and should not. The idea that the government should act as �custos mores� (The Guardian of Morals�) is long past.

    As Justice Kennedy wrote in Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. 620 (1996) �We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.� Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. 620 (1996) (emphasis added).

    The arguments against same-sex marriage are ludicrous. Distilled to their essence, they all reduce to the idea that marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman, and so it should stay that way. If marriage were on the same legal level as joining a social club, and no state action were involved, that would be fine. But the instant the government becomes involved, our government is required to treat everyone equally. Allowing only certain groups to avail themselves of the legal benefits and protections of marriage violates the principle of equal protection of the law, and there is simply no rational or compelling state interest to do so that could justify such a separation. The argument that �But we�ve always done it that way� simply does not, and cannot, justify prohibiting same-sex marriage. It is no more than the tired refrain of the intellectually bankrupt who reflexively oppose any change that does not directly benefit them.

    And so President Obama should be celebrated for taking a step to promote the equality of all in the United States. With his decision and announcement, we are one step closer to the ideal of judging a person not by what they look like, or whom they associate with, but by the content of their character and by the actions they take.


    christina moore 90210. Christina Moore and Missi Pyle
  • Christina Moore and Missi Pyle

  • aholden12592
    Apr 1, 01:53 AM
    so i ended up getting the warriors (already have wipeout pure) and it is awesome. there is so much to do and the big power moves are really cool.

    christina moore 90210. Missi Pyle and Christina Moore
  • Missi Pyle and Christina Moore

  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 18, 02:13 PM
    theme park with children? point & shoot for sure


    christina moore 90210. Christina Moore and Missi Pyle
  • Christina Moore and Missi Pyle

  • Kwyjibo
    Jul 5, 10:37 PM
    I like to partition my drives....it keeps everything more organized...I uslly have 10gb for my os and apps and then all my docs and music and stuff on whatever space is left

    christina moore 90210. 90210 casting news
  • 90210 casting news

  • bwawn
    Jul 12, 01:56 PM
    This is how I did it on my iBook about a year ago. However, you must be VERY careful with this method... it could screw up your system severely if not done correctly! For that reason, I recommend not doing this method if you're uncomfortable with the possible outcomes from the mistakes and waiting until someone posts an alternative way. However, if you ARE comfortable...

    Open up the Terminal.

    Type in the following:

    cd /
    sudo rm -rf "System Folder"

    Exactly like that, quotes and everything. You will be prompted for a password after entering the last line.

    This deletes everything, without question, from "System Folder" which is your Mac OS 9 folder. Making a slight mistake and entering rm -rf "System" will delete your entire OS X system folder! So once again, I advise being extremely careful with this method, and finding an alternative if you are uncomfortable with it.


    christina moore 90210. Christina Moore and John Ducey
  • Christina Moore and John Ducey

  • Lopez.T.H.
    Sep 25, 09:45 PM
    Im selling my Shuffle hoping to get at least $100 - $120 for it. Im looking at a 20Gb iPod <- Wayyy too much space or a nano. I like the nano because I already take my Shuffle everywhere with me. I like the screen of the nano well because its color and you can view pictures. But a 20Gb or 10Gb 3Gen would be a bit big. And I like the portability of the nano. Its small so I can keep it in my pocket with other school stuff ( ID, pens, ect) and from some pictures I have seen of it it fits in any pocket. I have only 3.6Gb of music so a 4Gb model would be fine. And about 50Mb of pictures. Any advice?

    christina moore 90210. Moore#39;s fresh lip color.
  • Moore#39;s fresh lip color.

  • ahunter3
    Dec 8, 08:30 PM
    ...and this for everyone who suffers from the silly gaudy childish look of OS X and misses the clean elegance of OS 9 (it not necessarily the extension conflicts and the lousy task-threading).

    1) The Classic Platinum Theme (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/15581). Installable on OS X using either unsanity.com's ShapeShifter or Duality 4

    2) X-Assist (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/10519) or ASM (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/10410) to give you an application switching menu in your menubar.

    3) FruitMenu (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/12974) to give you back an editable / customizable Apple Menu, to give you a hierarchical menu-view of System Prefs so you don't have to launch the entire %&## System Preferences pane and then reach with your mouse a second time to invoke the specific PrefsPane you want. And to use as a launcher.

    4) WindowShade X (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/12243), to be able to minimize windows the classic Macintosh way, not like some Windows PC-wannabe. (Will also minimize-in-place to a small icon)

    5) PullTab (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/18606), to pry that damn Dock's filthy hands off the keystoke combo Command-Tab, thus freeing it up for apps with original rights to it, like FileMaker Pro.

    6) To get your Trash can onto the Desktop where it belongs, there are several apps that purport to be able to do so, but I prefer to just use TinkerTool to make everything visible in the Finder, then make an alias to .Trash and put the alias on the Desktop. Find a nice MacOS 9ish Trashcan icon on the internet and paste.

    7) Now to dispense with the godforsaken Dock itself. Two choices: you can minimize it practically out of existence by pinning it to the left edge of your screen and then edit com.apple.dock.plist in a text editor, manually changing the tilesize parameter to 1, which will give you a Dock about the size of a pinhead in a place where you won't mouse-over on it very often by accident; or you can nuke it entirely. To nuke it entirely, first copy Dock.app from /System/Library/CoreServices and make that copy a startup item for every user account on your machine (towards the top of the list); then make an AppleScript consisting of tell application "Dock"; quit; end tell, save it as an application, and add that to your startup items (towards the end); then, finally, sudo rm the original Dock.app from within CoreServices. Hickory Dickory, baby :)


    christina moore 90210. New 90210 cast member Tristan
  • New 90210 cast member Tristan

  • alph45
    Mar 31, 04:51 PM
    a few things you can do other than getting a stabilizer or mount.

    - use built in optical stabilizer (assuming one)
    - practice "body as a tripod", keep camera close to body, turn body, not camera.
    - use the grid display function (assuming one) as a static reference. it's easier to see shaky movement on a static line/grid vs. dynamic motion.
    - adding any weight to the camera will help. This technically a stabilizer, but as an example you can add weight via the threaded 1/8" tripod mount, an 1/8" bolt and some washers.
    - use a monopod. a lot of tripod functionality but you can run with it.

    christina moore 90210. -vartan-christina-moore-
  • -vartan-christina-moore-

  • Meltdownblitz
    Apr 3, 08:05 PM
    I keep reading on various posts that some people use a wet application method on dry films (PS and SGP).

    Can you share your techniques and experiences using the wet apply on these films? Also is the adhesion as good as when applied dry?

    I am interested since I have never had problems with dust, but I do have problems aligning it properly.

    Aslo some questions about the SGP oleophobic:

    1. Meltdownblitz mentioned in another thread that now instead of the single large speaker/cam cutout they have two separate ones. Do you have any pics? That single cutout was the only thing keeping me away from the oleo.

    2. Why there is no back protector version of the SGP Oleo?

    Not sure about your wet apply methods to dry apply films but I do know some people have been doing that. I personally had a friend at Att install my film for me because I am horrible at it. He aligned it perfect and went on easy without dust.

    And about your question about the 2 separate cutouts for the oleo film, I'll take a pic for you of mine and edit this post and post it here. I'm still loving my oleo film though. And not to sure why they don't have a back oleo film, I'm sure they will soon though, another company just came out with a oleo back film that larry greenburg just reviewed recently, but if SGP comes out with a oleo back, I'll pick it up.



    christina moore 90210. Wedding-Christina Moore
  • Wedding-Christina Moore

  • saintforlife
    May 1, 01:35 PM
    So I have read posts here where people claim that the white iPhone 4 has an improved antenna design and hence has better performance. Anybody know if the same improvements have been made on the black iPhone 4?

    I am exchanging my current black one at the store due to other hardware issues (home button, sleep on/off button, proximity sensor) and am trying to see if I will get a new black iPhone 4 with the antenna improvements.

    christina moore 90210. pop singer Christina
  • pop singer Christina

  • mcdj
    May 5, 03:58 PM
    "Battery life is better" is the new "Safari seems snappier".

    These are the ONLY things Apple said about 4.3.3, so what are you people on about?

    Reduces the size of the cache
    No longer backs the cache up to iTunes
    Deletes the cache entirely when Location Services is turned off

    christina moore 90210. 90210 Cast
  • 90210 Cast

  • Heb1228
    Sep 23, 10:41 AM
    With global warming, its sure to get worse next year!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a load of BS.

    Jan 12, 09:02 PM
    They might as well call it MacBook Light In The Loafers

    Apr 8, 01:04 AM
    Is this the EKM you refer to? http://www.ekmpowershop.com/

    If so, I don't think you are looking in the right place or the right tool.

    Sell online using PayPal? Check out their supported hosts.

    I am a Yahoo store developer and am partial to that platform for small business. That is probably out of your price range.

    Hi Yes thats the ekm I was talking about

    Are you looking for a text editor or a WYSIWYG editor? If you want a text editor then i would look at Coda (http://www.panic.com/coda/) or PHPStorm (http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/). Both are pretty powerful IDE's for web design.

    I would prefer a WYSIWYG just purely because I haven't got that much free time and the quicker I can learn how to do things the better.

    Check our rapidweaver that would be perfect for what your describing.

    I did have a a look at rapidweaver but the comments about it on the app store don't sound too good, there are alot of people complaining about there being bugs in it.

    I appreciate everybody's answers but at the moment I'm still stuck as to which program to go for.
    Can anybody else help with any advice. Thanks

    Just to add a bit more information about what I'm looking for. I have quite a lot of photos that need to be put into some sort of album and the people can click on the image they require and then be taken to a page of information about that image and be able to purchase it online. I have seen a nice feature in iWeb where you can add albums of photos but you don't seem to able to link them to another page. Hopefully someone on here knows of a program I can use. Thanks again

    Jun 24, 06:49 AM
    Hella people here. Line forms at 6

    May 6, 11:03 PM
    a reasonable level of maturity (and stability) they're already getting with FCP 7.

    HA HA HA AH HA HA HA HA HA....oh, sorry...you actually thought FCP 7 was stable...

    Feb 10, 12:32 AM
    i think that shows a retina display

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